P.O. Box 456, Belvidere Illinois 61008 815-544-2900, bcfa2001@aol.com
Jr. Market Barrow - Department H4
Rules & Regulations, Etc.
An official certificate of weight for each barrow must be secured from the official weighmaster before show. The first weight is the final weight. Individual barrows must weight between 230 and 290 pounds.
All class must have at least five entries or they will be combined with another class. Limit of two Premiums per Exhibitor Per Class. No animals with evidence of arthritis will be allowed to show.
If entry is not in Open class or exhibitor, or not a 4-H member, MUST pay $2.00 per head per pen rent.
WEIGH-IN TUESDAY 4H starting at 4 p.m. and directly after 4H weigh-in Open & Jr. Show begins. All Swine must be on the fairgrounds by Tuesday NOON (12:00 p.m.), August 8th.
The Illinois Dept. of Agriculture strictly forbids the use of Paylean or the generic form Ractopamine in show hogs. The BCFA abides by this rule and any animal testing postiive for Paylean or Ractopamine will be the sole responsibility of the exhibitor and punishment could include the exhibitor suspension of show privilege at subsequent Boone County Fair Swine shows.
BCFA reserves the right to test any animal being exhibited for the presence of illegal drugs or banned substances. Failure of any testing procedures will result in the exhibitor forfeiting premiums, and the exhibitor will be suspended 1 year & 1 day for 1st Offense and permanently banned for 2nd Offense. BCFA will cover cost of testing.
Important Information
Bob Lyford (815-323-6344), Superintendent
Roberta Holton, Assistant Superintendent
Entry Fee $2.00
To be Judged Friday, August 11th at 8:30 a.m.
Premiums Offered – $7,625.00
The Boone County Fair Barrow Show is a NON-terminal show. Exhibitors will be allowed to take animals home or send to market only.
Administration Fee $5.00 Per Dept., includes 4-H exhibitors, no fee for junior dept. if entered in open show.
Bag Shavings allowed for bedding!
No washing pigs during Judging. We need the pens for holding pens during the show.
**Premise ID is REQUIRED for exhibition at all 2023 County, State, 4-H and FFA fairs in Illinois and must appear on the entry form**
For more information and to obtain a Premise ID go to www.agr.state.il.us/premiseid or call 1-866-299-9256.
PEN RENT: $2.00 per head (2 pigs per pen)
All swine exhibitors will need to obtain the appropriate certification:
Adults: valid Adult PQA certification.
Youth (ages 8-21) as of Sept. 1, 2022:
Youth Quality Care of Animals (YQCA) certification or valid Youth PQA,
Premium checks will be HELD until PENS ARE CLEANED, when they are cleaned then checks will be available in the Swine Barn on Sunday August 13th from 12:00 noon to 3:00 p.m.
Youth Swine Judging Contest
Open to first 20 entries. No Entry Fee! Boy or girl between ages 8 & 21 as of Sept. 1, 2022. Contestants will determine placings in 2 lineups of animals as selected by the Superintendent. Contest to be held Thursday, August 10th at 1:00 or at completion of the 4-H Swine Show. In case of ties, premium amounts will be adjusted